21 August 2012

da Vinci's masterpiece, restyled

Mona Richard Mona Dana Mona Maddy

Just plain family fun!

Richard's work took him to Tuscany this weekend, so Young One and I followed along for a bit of a "last hoorah" of summer travel. Wouldn't you? Come on, it's Toscana. While there, we did a bit of time travel to the middle ages at the Volterra AD 1398 festival in the ancient hill town of Volterra in the province of Pisa. Young One, in particular, had a very good time at the kid-friendly event, but we all three loved the Mona Lisa portraits, even if she is a bit of an anachronism in this setting. (Well, isn't she? A woman of the Renaissance? Help!) No bother, anyhow... While I cannot explain the excitement in placing our faces in this hanging painting, it had all three of us giggling and in stitches for a long a very long time.

I hope to share more photos of the festival (which is by far the best of its kind that I have experienced) here soon. It continues through 26 August.