07 February 2013

@ the italian primary school :: twelve

Details of a Carnevale party at Young One's school were sent home via a flyer this week, complete with a reminder that school parties are not open to parents!


Considering the steps that I must take to attend such a party during the school day, I am thankful that my presence is neither expected nor welcomed. It is a bit...eh...different, to say the least, from what I have come to expect from American elementary schools with their open doors and recruitment of  volunteers. Quite different, indeed.

Has this been your experience? Would this clear reminder that you are not invited bother you? Please share.

Disclaimer: I hate generalizations. This is my limited experience at my third grader's tiny primary school lost in northern Italy. If you have a different experience with this, please share!

1 comment:

  1. It is a blessing and a curse to be invited into the classroom. While it is nice to see my child in his school environment it is hard to be able to make it to every function. Today, I attended lunch with my 5 year old and then visited his class. Not so easy when you have a 20 month old.
