25 October 2014

throwback halloween

We generally have a good time with this beloved American holiday. Here's a quick look at Young One over the years as I have a feeling this era of childhood is drawing to a close for her.

She was the third girl child in the family to wear this sweet Snow White dress.

This Jo Jo costume is still hanging in her closet.

This was our first DIY costume...Frog Princess.

Who doesn't love Jessie?

And this was the first year we went to the dark side of Halloween.

I think this is a vampiress.

This was the year that we finally let her watch one of those pirate movies.

Isn't this the best mummy? It was A LOT of fun for us to create together.

And this year we present to you, Zombie Prom Queen. She has just eaten this year's most likely prom queen candidate, thus the blood-stained lips.

Dress and shoes are from our local thrift shop, and we are not quite finished with the prom queen sash, a project that involves glitter.  I am utterly surprised with how well she does with the sparkly silver heels, almost as surprised as with the fact that someone wore them in real life.

Happy Haunting!


  1. OMG. Baby M. I cannot even handle how cute she is. You guys have raised the coolest, spunkiest girl. Still LOLOLOLOLing about the "boogers on the couch" incident. Please send her over to my house immediately, we kind of love her.

    1. The best part was that she was, of course, telling them off in Italian, which I understood perfectly well until the "boogers" part. When I stopped her to explain, we all had a great laugh..... in a very juvenile way....but it's exactly what we needed at that point.

      She has assumed the role of little ambassador and is informing her classmates, one by one, of the good things soldiers do. Evidently, most associate them only with war. She is having a tough time, but she is doing it. I am proud of her.
